Yesterday we had our tech rehearsal, gradually over the course of the devising process our show has become more and more tech reliant and yesterday allowed everyone to see how many technical elements there are in our show. The delusions themselves have many lighting and sound effects as well as use of projection. Yesterday we managed to programme all the lights and sound effects but did not manage to finish a cue-to-cue. However, we did get some really important feedback regarding the effects we are using. These included concerns about the appropriateness of certain pieces of music as well as some face lighting issues that I will address and refocus the morning of the show. Unfortunately, the auditorium does not have any UV bars or a UV cannon. We experimented with another blue light that did bring out the UV paint but was not true ultraviolet light. Unfortunately, the blue wash across the stage just made it look badly lit as you could not see the actors faces at all. I’m going to try and source some external UV bars before the show. However, if this is not possible I have discussed with the director some alternative lighting designs involving use of the glitter ball and possible use of gobos to create a space-like environment. During the cue-to-cue, there were a lot of cueing issues with the sound script so today I have borrowed a Mac from the LPAC and got access to our QLAB file so I can swap over some of the tracks and also make sure they are all in the right order and make a need sound cue script. The QLAB file is now complete and the rest of the company have been out filming the rest of the projections today which I will insert into the QLAB file the morning of the show.