A More Direct Direction

After much careful consideration and many group discussions over breakfast, the name of our show has finally been decided!

Kalopsia. noun. The delusion of things being more beautiful than they are.

Although we have come to a decision with the show name, we have been struggling to make sense of the direction of the show’s content and meaning. We all loved the idea of love as the centre of our show but we have been finding it difficult to sculpt it into something visually interesting to watch. After a discussion between our Director and Stage Manager, we came up with a completely new concept which fit with the connotations attached to our show title. We have carefully considered the concept of people’s delusions being more beautiful than their situation in the real world. After a group meeting about the new idea, we all feel much more confident about the direction of the show.

The Office…

The show is going to be set in a modern day office. There are targets to meet, fierce competition, a handyman and a stressed-out boss.

The Delusions…

Each of the characters have their own internal goals, thoughts or dreams. The idea is to sprinkle these delusions throughout the piece.

We want the show to follow a traditional narrative with the delusion sections shown through contemporary means.


Considering Costume

With a concrete show idea in place, I feel that I am in a good place to keep thinking about the costume we will need for the show. With each character needing office wear and a costume change for their delusion, I will need to think about a few things:

  • How will the character change into their delusion costume and can this be done on stage?
  • How much of a costume change does there need to be and does the entire costume need to change to show the switch from real life to delusion?
  • Where am I going to source these costumes from?

We decided from the beginning that we don’t want to hide anything from our audience. I will think carefully about how to make the costume changes as simple as possible. I hope  our transitions will have the potential to be done in plain sight of the audience; for this to happen I will need to make the delusion costumes minimal with a high-impact.

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